Ethical Concerns in the Fitness Industry

Some of the ethical concerns in the fitness industry would be the following.

1) Client focus.
2) Unrealistic Goals.
3) Respect of other members (If in a Gym Environment)
4) Client Retention.
5) The Use of Steroids.
6) The Ethics of Business.
7) Overstating Training or Talent.
8) Professionalism.

    When entering your business, what the client sees should immediately establish what you're all about as a business, and exactly what you're trying to convey to them as a client. Often, these areas function as waiting areas. Often the furniture is that is uncomfortable or in need of replacement, reupholstering or inadequate for the number of clients waiting to be greeted, or serviced. For facilities with a high turnaround of business, and where at all possible, should attempt to keep the exiting path away from any waiting clients. Congestion, unnecessary noise or client distraction can be the result. You should always keep in mind that your client will be trying to focus and prepare for their upcoming work out session. If this first impression shows the client that you're disorganized or don't care, etc. That will be the lasting impression your client will have of your business. If this impression is combined with unacceptable overall service, your business won't be able to maintain a base of clientele.

9) Talking to others.

As stated above your client should be your number one priority during their workout session, you should always be polite to other members or clients, but not at the risk of not keeping your client as your main focus. You should be friendly but never allow yourself to become distracted from your client or their safety by talking to or answering other member or clients questions or inquires.



The Personal Trainers Handbook

Author; Teri S. O’rien in Business) McCormick) Herman)